Welcome to Velamazán Palace

Cottage in Velamazán, Soria

Enjoy the rural tourism and the nature of the province of Soria between Almazán and Berlanga de Duero.

The cottage belongs to the Palace of the famous noble lineage of González de Castejón and it was ordered to build by the first Marquis of Verlamazán (title of the crown) in the XVII century.

It is located in the West façade of the palace that you got into through another entrance and it is fully restore, keeping the original marble fireplace in a huge living room with more than 4 meters high where the different marquises relaxed until when the last one sold the palace to the neighbours of the village at the beginning of the XX century in different accommodations.

In the south part the main façade with balconies of Renaissance style is kept with a big shield sculpted in stone reflecting the weapons of the family, as well as a sun clock with the engraving date of 1619.

Nº Registro: 42/368 - Categoría: 4 estrellas verdes



Street address: Plaza del Palacio, 7 - 42210 Velamazán (Soria)

GPS location: Latitude: 41.44880 - Length: -2.69875

How to arrive

The village is located at just 18 km from Almazán, 16 km to Berlanga de Duero and 50 km to the capital, Soria. To get there we have to go along the road CL-116 either coming from Almazán or from the Burgo de Osma and at Km 34 we find the sign for the detour to the village that we will have to take and circulate for two kilometers Road until you get to it. Once we enter Velamazán, we must continue straight ahead until we reach the town square where we will see the Church on the right, and the rural house in the Palace on the left.

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